Psychiatric Services

Psychiatric Services

At Eastern Medical, we offer mental wellness for men and women, life coaching, relationship counseling, individual psychotherapy, treatment for anxiety, phobias, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, geriatric mental health, medication management, and much more!

For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online.

Mental wellness is not just about being happy; it’s more about handling life’s ups and downs. Our mental wellness fluctuates over time, affected by both good and tough periods. Difficult times can negatively impact mental health, making daily life harder to manage. When mental health is good, we feel well and can enjoy life more fully. Various factors influence mental wellness, including our genetics, physical health, living conditions, daily life events, and past experiences.

Quality psychiatric care, wherever you are. Our providers come to assisted living, nursing homes, and independent living facilities, ensuring hassle-free access for senior patients. We prioritize convenience and well-being, making expert care readily available where you reside.

Elevate the quality of life for your senior loved ones. Our holistic approach includes expert mental health care and medication management, ensuring cognitive vitality, emotional resilience, and vibrant social connections. We are committed to ensuring seniors’ mental well-being with dignity and respect.

Depression is a disruptive and detrimental health disorder that affects more than 300 million people globally, including women, young adults, and the elderly (approximately 4.4% of the population). While the exact cause of depression is unknown, it is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

What is depression?
Depression is a mental state of low mood and aversion to activity, impacting thoughts, behavior, feelings, and well-being. Symptoms include loss of motivation, lethargy, insomnia, memory issues, and more.

Managing depression
Consulting a licensed therapist provides the tools and support needed to manage depression.

Effective treatments:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Antidepressant Medications
  • Support Groups

Mental health is crucial for every woman; without it, even physical health cannot be fully enjoyed. Mental health encompasses psychological, emotional, and social well-being, influencing how we think, feel, act, and relate to others. It affects decision-making and is essential at every stage of life.

What affects women’s mental health?
Mental disorders impact women and men differently. Women are more prone to conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and GAD. Hormonal changes also affect women’s mental health, with disorders like premenstrual dysphoric disorder, perinatal depression, and perimenopausal depression being common. Exposure to violence significantly increases the risk of depression in women.

What is a panic attack?
A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions, even when there is no real danger. It can feel like losing control, having a heart attack, or dying. While some people experience one or two panic attacks in their lifetime, recurrent and unexpected attacks may indicate a panic disorder.

How common are panic attacks?
Up to 35% of people experience a panic attack at least once. Without treatment, panic attacks can become frequent and disabling, impacting daily life.

Why is medication management important?
There are five reasons why medication management is crucial:

  1. Many seniors take prescription medications, with 70% of Americans on at least one prescription.
  2. Seniors often take multiple medications, averaging 14-18 per year.
  3. Managing multiple prescriptions increases the risk of errors.
  4. Improper management can cause adverse reactions and hospitalizations.
  5. Proper management leads to better recovery from short-term illnesses and better control of chronic conditions.

Which mental disorder is more common in men?
Men are more likely to be diagnosed with antisocial disorders and often turn to substance abuse. They tend to internalize emotions, leading to aggressive, impulsive, and noncompliant behaviors.

What are some warning signs of mental illness?
Mental illnesses, or mental health disorders, affect mood, thinking, and behavior. Symptoms vary but can cause stress and impair daily functioning in work, school, or relationships. These symptoms can often be managed with therapy and medications.

What is Individual Psychotherapy?
Individual psychotherapy is a counseling approach that focuses on helping individuals resolve personal issues. It is tailored to address specific individual concerns, making it effective for various conditions.

Types of Individual Therapy:

  • Psychodynamic Therapy: A long-term therapy exploring thoughts and relationships to uncover negative patterns.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Focuses on changing negative thoughts into positive ones.
  • Behavioral Therapy: Concentrates on modifying learned behavioral reactions.
  • Humanistic Therapy: Helps individuals understand their worldview, promoting self-acceptance and personal growth.

What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a brain condition that affects mood, energy, and function. It involves intense emotional states, or mood episodes, categorized as manic/hypomanic or depressive.

Types of Bipolar Disorder:

  • Bipolar 1: Characterized by manic episodes lasting a week or more, sometimes requiring hospitalization.
  • Bipolar 2: Involves both manic and depressive episodes, but the mania is less severe than in Bipolar 1.
  • Cyclothymic Disorder: Features long-term, less severe manic and depressive episodes over two or more years.
  • Other Types: Include bipolar conditions caused by factors like drugs or medical conditions.

What is ADHD?
ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder typically diagnosed in childhood and often continuing into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have difficulty paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, or being overly active.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?
Children with ADHD might:

  • Daydream frequently
  • Lose or forget things
  • Fidget or squirm
  • Talk excessively
  • Make careless mistakes
  • Struggle with resisting temptation or taking turns
  • Have difficulty getting along with others

Older adults tend to feel less comfortable seeking care from a mental health professional, like a psychiatrist, compared to younger individuals. Due to the historical stigma around mental health, this mindset is more prevalent in those 65 and older. However, it is crucial to shift this perspective for seniors to live healthy, happy lives in retirement.

Common mental health issues in the elderly:
Seniors often face isolation, anxiety, depression, dementia, and sleep or behavioral disorders.

Why is geriatric mental health important?
Addressing mental health improves seniors’ quality of life, promoting healthier aging.

How does Deep TMS work?

Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS) is a non-invasive treatment designed to alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions. FDA-cleared for treating major depressive disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, Deep TMS uses a helmet with an electromagnetic coil that sends magnetic pulses to deeper brain structures, influencing neural activity. This therapy targets broader brain regions safely and effectively, without needing increased intensity, allowing for a wider reach while maintaining a safe level of activation.

Telemedicine is becoming increasingly popular in psychology and psychiatry, offering an excellent mental health service for those unable to visit in person. At Eastern Medical, we strive to reach as many people as possible in our community. Whether you’re traveling, feeling unwell, or living far from our offices, telepsychiatry appointments ensure you receive the emotional and mental support you need to live your best life.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can affect individuals of any age or background and significantly impact daily life. At Eastern Medical, our psychiatrists are compassionate and offer effective treatments for those dealing with OCD.

What is OCD?
OCD is a mental illness where a person experiences unwanted thoughts (obsessions) leading to repetitive behaviors (compulsions) to reduce anxiety. Unlike occasional compulsions, OCD is a chronic condition that worsens when ignored. Often, the compulsions may function as rituals, not directly related to the obsessions.

Fears are a common unpleasant emotional state involving feelings of potential danger, pain, threat, or apprehension. In fact, fears are so prevalent that they have their own descriptive term: phobia. We are familiar with many phobias, like the fear of spiders or heights, though there are hundreds more. Social phobia is the fear of being in public or around others and is characterized by social isolation, avoidance of groups or events, and an aversion to others. Fortunately, many ways exist to overcome social phobia, and the first step is often meeting with a mental health professional.

What is Social Phobia?
Social phobia is a strong fear of being judged by others or of being in potentially embarrassing situations, leading individuals to avoid social events entirely. This fear can become so debilitating that it interferes with work, school, or daily responsibilities. Social phobia may cause anxiety when performing ordinary tasks in front of others, such as eating, drinking, or speaking with a stranger like a cashier. While nervousness in certain social situations is normal, people with social phobia worry for weeks before these events and may become trapped in obsessive thought loops. Most individuals with social phobia are aware that their fears are excessive, but despite this understanding, they cannot control them.

What is an eating disorder?

An eating disorder is a serious condition that can have severe and sometimes fatal consequences. Contrary to common misconceptions, it is not a lifestyle choice but a complex disorder affecting psychological, physical, and social functioning. Eating disorders often develop in adolescence or early adulthood but can occur at any age. They are characterized by persistent concerns about food, body weight, and shape. Common eating disorders include bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), and Pica.

What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop in individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. It causes lasting psychological distress, often leading to intense fear, helplessness, and a constant heightened sense of danger. People with PTSD may feel on edge or frightened even in safe environments.

What causes PTSD?
Traumatic events such as natural disasters, military combat, physical or sexual assault, or severe accidents can trigger PTSD. Some people develop symptoms immediately, while others may not experience them until later.

Psychotic disorders are mental health conditions that alter a person’s sense of reality, leading to delusions, hallucinations, and abnormal thoughts or perceptions. These disorders can result from trauma, depression, or chemical changes in the brain, though the exact cause is still unclear. Symptoms vary, and some individuals may experience substance abuse, hallucinations, or harmful desires during episodes.

Types of psychotic disorders include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, catatonia, and ‘folie à deux.’ Schizophrenia, the most common, involves hallucinations and delusions, with episodes differing among individuals.

Life coaches offer benefits similar to psychotherapy but serve distinct roles. While therapists focus on healing trauma and mental health issues, life coaches help with unresolved life challenges. They cannot treat mood disorders but can assist with finding balance and overcoming negative patterns.

What does a life coach do?
A life coach helps individuals move forward, clarify goals, identify obstacles, and create strategies for success. By recognizing your unique strengths, they provide support for personal growth, improving relationships, careers, and overall fulfillment.

What is Asperger’s syndrome?

Asperger’s syndrome is a developmental disorder within the autism spectrum (ASD), often considered a high-functioning form of autism. While the symptoms are noticeable, they tend to be less severe than other ASD forms. Individuals with Asperger’s may struggle to form social connections and relate to others. Diagnosis is typically made by psychiatrists or developmental pediatricians, and treatment often includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), social skills training, and caregiver education, tailored to each person’s unique needs.

What is a polysubstance abuse disorder?
Polysubstance use refers to the consumption of more than one drug at the same time. When a person becomes dependent on two or more substances within a short period, this is classified as polysubstance abuse disorder. This condition often affects users of illicit drugs, but it can also occur in those taking prescription medications. Informing healthcare providers about all substances being used helps prevent adverse reactions. Treatment options are available for those affected by this disorder. Experts at Eastern Medical can guide you through the recovery process.

What is the cause of polysubstance dependence?
Polysubstance use may be intentional, where an individual takes multiple substances to modify the effects of each, or unintentional, where substances like fentanyl are unknowingly mixed with others. This can lead to dangerous or even lethal consequences.

What is an impulse control disorder?

Impulse control disorders are behavioral conditions where individuals struggle to resist impulsive behaviors, often resulting in harmful consequences. These disorders can lead to angry outbursts, property destruction, and other actions that strain relationships or lead to legal trouble. Types of impulse control disorders include:

  • Conduct Disorder
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Kleptomania
  • Pyromania
  • Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Each of these conditions involves difficulty managing impulses, often despite understanding the potential consequences.

Coping with Schizophrenia:

Managing schizophrenia involves prioritizing physical and mental health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and stress reduction. Early diagnosis and intervention are key for better outcomes. Professional help and personalized treatment plans created by psychiatrists are crucial in managing symptoms and improving quality of life. It’s important to understand that coping with schizophrenia is an ongoing process, varying from person to person.

Can a person with schizophrenia lead a normal life?

Yes, with proper treatment and support, individuals with schizophrenia can lead normal, productive lives. Early intervention, comprehensive treatment, and ongoing support are essential for managing the condition. This allows individuals to pursue education, employment, and meaningful relationships, achieving personal goals despite the diagnosis.

Understanding Grief:

Grief is a natural response to loss, involving complex emotions like sadness, anger, confusion, and guilt. It affects each person differently, with no set timeline for processing. While grief is personal, staying stuck in it is unhealthy. Seeking support, such as grief counseling, helps individuals process emotions and develop healthy coping strategies.

How do you know when you are grieving?
Grief manifests through intense emotions like sadness, disbelief, and anger. There’s no fixed duration; some may grieve for weeks, others for years.

When should you seek help?
If grief becomes overwhelming or prolonged, professional help can guide you through the process and offer tools to heal effectively.

Substance-related disorders involve the compulsive use of drugs or alcohol despite negative consequences. Some common types include:

  • Alcohol Use Disorder: Excessive drinking leading to health, social, and workplace issues.
  • Opioid Use Disorder: Addiction to painkillers or heroin, resulting in dependence and overdose risks.
  • Stimulant Use Disorder: Addiction to substances like cocaine or methamphetamine.
  • Cannabis Use Disorder: Persistent marijuana use affecting social and academic performance.
  • Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorder: Addiction to anti-anxiety or sleeping pills.
  • Tobacco Use Disorder: Nicotine addiction leading to severe health risks.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, often accompanied by discomfort, particularly at night. It affects about 10% of the population and can severely disrupt sleep and daily life if untreated.

If you’re experiencing RLS, connect with the professionals at Eastern Medical or schedule an appointment online. We’re here to provide safe, professional, and effective treatment.

What does RLS feel like?
People with RLS may experience sensations like pins and needles, crawling, or burning in their legs, often relieved by movement.

Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) is a psychological condition that develops in response to a traumatic event. Individuals with ASD may experience symptoms such as flashbacks, avoidance of trauma triggers, dissociative episodes, hypervigilance, and heightened startle responses. These symptoms typically emerge within a month of the event and can last from a few weeks to a month.

For assistance in diagnosing or treating ASD, contact the professionals at Eastern Medical or book an appointment online. Our compassionate team is dedicated to providing effective and professional care.

Living with passive-aggressive personality disorder (PAPD) can be challenging for both the individual and their loved ones. However, with the right treatment and support, managing symptoms and building healthier relationships is possible. If you’re seeking assessment or treatment for PAPD, the professionals at Eastern Medical can provide the help you need.

What is passive-aggressive personality disorder?
PAPD is characterized by persistent negative attitudes, indirect hostility, and reluctance in interpersonal relationships. Individuals with PAPD may resist cooperation, show passive resistance, and avoid direct confrontation while still being critical and resistant to change.

Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is a psychological condition characterized by a persistent disregard for the rights of others, lack of empathy, and manipulative behavior. Individuals with ASPD often exhibit inflated self-worth and engage in destructive behavior, affecting both themselves and those around them.

If you have been diagnosed with or would like to be assessed for ASPD, connect with the professionals at Eastern Medical or book an appointment online. We offer tailored treatment to help manage symptoms.

Common Antisocial Behavior:
Verbal aggression, such as swearing and name-calling, is the most common form, often used to intimidate others. Other behaviors include physical aggression, deceitfulness, theft, and a lack of empathy.

Self-defeating personality disorder, also known as masochistic personality disorder, is characterized by self-sabotaging behaviors and a tendency to create problems in personal relationships.


  • Early childhood experiences such as neglect, trauma, or abuse.
  • Genetics, though no specific genes have been identified.
  • Environmental factors, including repeated failure or disappointment and lack of support.
  • Personality traits like low self-esteem, perfectionism, and self-criticism, which can lead to a cycle of self-sabotage.

This disorder often results in a negative self-image and destructive behaviors.

Behavioral therapy is an evidence-based psychotherapy that helps individuals identify and modify unhealthy behaviors to improve emotional well-being. At Eastern Medical, we offer services like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Family Systems Therapy. Our experienced therapists create individualized treatment plans for children, adolescents, and adults, focusing on current problems and helping clients develop effective coping strategies. Whether dealing with anxiety, depression, addiction, or stress management, behavioral therapy can provide the support needed to make positive life changes.

Eastern Medical is dedicated to helping those with age-related cognitive decline. We offer treatments that combine medications, psychotherapy, and lifestyle modifications to slow down or improve symptoms. Our approach is personalized to each individual’s needs.

Treating cognitive decline in the elderly involves medications like cholinesterase inhibitors (Donepezil, Rivastigmine, Galantamine) to improve memory and judgment. Memantine is also used to manage excess brain chemicals. Lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are essential to improving cognitive health.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a condition that affects women in the days leading up to their menstrual cycle, causing mood swings, irritability, anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms like bloating and cramps. If you suspect PMDD, it’s important to seek medical help. At Eastern Medical, specialists provide tailored treatment plans, including psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and medications.

Is PMDD considered a mental illness?
Yes, the DSM-5 classifies PMDD as a depressive disorder, significantly impacting mental health and daily functioning.

What triggers PMDD?
PMDD is believed to be linked to hormonal changes and serotonin levels, with stress, sleep issues, and lifestyle factors contributing to symptom severity.

Marriage counseling helps couples improve communication, resolve conflicts, and gain new perspectives on their relationship. To make the most of counseling:

  • Be open and honest with your counselor.
  • Commit to the process and effort.
  • Set specific goals for each session.
  • Be willing to try new communication and problem-solving strategies.
  • Listen to your partner’s perspective.
  • Practice communication outside of sessions.

At Eastern Medical, we emphasize understanding both partners’ views to foster respect and trust in relationships.

When diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), it’s crucial to find the right treatment tailored to your needs. At Eastern Medical, our psychiatrists create personalized plans using evidence-based practices. Treatments may include therapy, lifestyle changes, medication, and other techniques to manage anxiety symptoms. With the right combination of treatments, people with GAD can lead normal, fulfilling lives. Consistent therapy, medication management, and support are key to effectively managing GAD symptoms and improving quality of life.

At Eastern Medical, we understand that Sleep Paralysis can be a frightening experience. This occurs when an individual is unable to move, speak, or react upon waking or falling asleep, often accompanied by hallucinations or feelings of pressure. Triggers can include sleep deprivation, irregular sleep schedules, stress, or certain medications. Sleep paralysis happens when the brain wakes up while the body remains in REM sleep, causing temporary paralysis. Managing stress and maintaining regular sleep habits can help reduce symptoms. For persistent cases, professional help is recommended.

The five traditional disorders on the autism spectrum are:

  1. Asperger’s Syndrome: High-functioning autism, characterized by strong intellectual abilities but challenges in social interaction.
  2. Kanner’s Syndrome (Classic Autism): Involves communication difficulties, repetitive behaviors, and social challenges.
  3. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD): Typically affects toddlers, leading to regression in social and communication skills.
  4. Rett’s Syndrome: Affects mainly girls, leading to severe communication and motor skill issues.
  5. Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS): Milder symptoms of ASD that don’t fit other specific categories.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a mental health condition where individuals obsessively focus on perceived flaws in their appearance, often minor or invisible to others. This preoccupation leads to distress, anxiety, and compulsive behaviors like mirror-checking or excessive grooming. People with BDD may undergo multiple cosmetic procedures, but relief is usually temporary, and the cycle continues.

Signs of BDD include frequent reassurance-seeking, excessive focus on appearance, and impaired daily functioning. It typically starts between the ages of 12 and 17 but can occur at any life stage.

What does a career counselor do?

A career counselor helps individuals make informed career decisions by assessing their interests, skills, and values through tests and discussions. They provide personalized guidance on job searches, resume writing, interview preparation, and exploring career options. Depending on their setting, they may assist students with academic goals or adults with job searches and career transitions.

What is the purpose of career counseling?

The main purpose is to guide clients in finding meaningful, satisfying, and financially sustainable career paths by identifying strengths and opportunities.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a mental health condition where a person experiences two or more distinct identities or personality states, each with its own behaviors, memories, and traits. These identities alternately control the individual’s behavior, leading to memory gaps and altered perceptions of reality. DID can also cause symptoms like amnesia, headaches, and trance-like states. Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, it disrupts a person’s sense of self and is often associated with trauma or severe stress.

Postpartum refers to the period following childbirth, during which a mother undergoes significant physical and emotional changes. Many women experience temporary “baby blues,” but when feelings of sadness, emptiness, or lack of emotion persist for more than two weeks, it may indicate postpartum depression (PPD). PPD is a serious mental health condition caused by hormonal changes, emotional factors, and sleep deprivation. Women with a history of depression or prior PPD are at higher risk, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe.

General psychiatry is a branch of medicine that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Psychiatrists assess both the mental and physical aspects of a patient’s health, conducting various medical and psychological tests to understand the underlying causes of symptoms. They then develop treatment plans, which may include therapy, medications, and other interventions to help patients manage and improve their mental health.

Is insomnia a mental illness? While insomnia can occasionally be diagnosed as a mental illness, it is more commonly a symptom of other conditions, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, or bipolar disorder.

What is the main cause of insomnia? Insomnia is caused by a state of hyperarousal, making it difficult to fall or stay asleep. Common triggers include stress, poor sleep habits, irregular schedules, and eating late. Mental health conditions and disrupted circadian rhythms, which regulate the sleep-wake cycle, are also major contributors.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a psychiatric condition characterized by intense mood swings, unstable relationships, and difficulty regulating emotions and behavior. Individuals with BPD often experience “black-and-white” thinking, intense fear of abandonment, impulsive actions, and periods of dissociation or anger. BPD is commonly linked to childhood trauma, although not always. Symptoms include self-harm, suicidal ideation, and a fragile sense of self. The mood swings in BPD occur much more rapidly than in bipolar disorder, often changing within minutes or hours.

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive worry, fear, and physical symptoms like sweating or trembling. These disorders interfere with daily life and may include several types, such as:

  • Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or situations.
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Persistent, excessive worry.
  • Panic Disorder: Recurrent panic attacks.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder: Fear of social situations.
  • Specific Phobias: Intense fear of specific objects or situations.
  • Separation Anxiety Disorder: Fear of separation from loved ones.

Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety triggered by substance use.

Relationship Coaching is a client-focused service designed to support individuals and couples in achieving their relationship goals. Coaches provide guidance, tools, and strategies without offering direct advice or opinions. The focus is on helping functional people enhance their personal and relationship dynamics by working through issues effectively, allowing both parties to navigate challenges with better communication and understanding. Relationship coaching can be particularly helpful in strengthening connections and addressing conflicts in close relationships.

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